Utilisez nos bibliothèques pour une intégration plus rapide


The simplest way to install the library is to get it from PyPi using pip, which is a Python package manager. Just type this into the terminal:

pip install smscx-client

Python >=3.6

After installation, import the package:

import smscx_client


To use the library you must authenticate. SMS.CX Python Library supports the same authentication methods as those supported by the SMS Connexion API:

Handling errors

The SMS.CX Python library raises an exception for every error type. It is recommended to catch and handle exceptions.

To catch an exception, use Python’s try/except syntax. SMS Connexion provides many exception classes you can catch. Each one represents a different kind of error. When you catch an exception, you can use its class to choose a response.

General exceptions:
  • DuplicateIdException - A resource with the same ID already exist
  • DuplicateValueException - You are trying to create/update a resource that must be unique (eg. originators, group name, shortlinks, template name)
  • InsufficientScopeException - Your application does not have the privilege to access a resource
  • InvalidCredentialsException - Unable to authenticate you based on the information provided.
  • InvalidRequestException - The parameters provided were invalid
  • InvalidScopeException - The scope requested does not exist
  • RateLimitExcedeedException - You made too many API calls in short period of time.
  • ResourceNotFoundException - The ID of the requested resource was not found (eg. group, campaign, otp, shortlink, template, etc.)
  • ApiMethodNotAllowedException - The target resource doesn’t support this HTTP method
  • AccessDeniedException - You don’t have permission to perform an action (eg. editing a template that was locked, replying to an Whatsapp after more than 24 hours passed from client reply, etc.)
  • ServerErrorException - Something went wrong on SMS Connexion’s side.
  • ApiException - Something went wrong on SMS Connexion’s side
Exceptions for methods that validate numbers or incur costs (to send SMS, add phone numbers to groups, validate number, etc.):
  • InsufficientBalanceException - Your request incurs charges in excess of your existing balance.
  • InvalidPhoneNumberException - The phone number provided is not valid
Exceptions for methods that require network coverage (send SMS, Viber, Whatsapp):
  • NoCoverageException - There is no coverage for the destination requested (these are rare)
Exceptions for Otp:
  • InvalidPinException - The PIN provided does not verify with our records
  • OtpAlreadyVerifiedException - The OTP was already verified
  • OtpCancelledException - You cannot verify an OTP that was cancelled
  • OtpActionNotAllowedException - You cannot cancel an OTP that has non-pending status (eg. was already verified, canceled, or expired)
  • OtpExpiredException - You cannot verify an OTP that was expired
  • OtpFailedException - The OTP verification has failed because the numbers of max attempts was reached
Exceptions for Viber/Whatsapp:
  • ChannelNotActiveException - Channel is not active. You need to register Viber and Whatsapp by contacting us
  • TemplateNotApprovedException - Template for sending Viber or Whatsapp is not approved


The library needs to be configured with your account's Application ID & Secret or an API Key which are available in your SMS.CX Dashboard.

Table of contents examples Python

Get an access token
import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import oauth_api
from smscx_client.model.oauth_token_response import OauthTokenResponse
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
    username = "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = oauth_api.OauthApi(

# A list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings
# If left empty or ommited, the issued access token will be granted with all scopes (full privileges) (optional)
scope = "sms groups templates numbers shortlinks attachments"

    # Get access token
    api_response = api_instance.get_access_token(scope=scope)
    access_token = api_response.access_token
    expires_in = api_response.expires_in
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request # noqa: E501
except smscx_client.InvalidCredentialsException as e:
    # Code for invalid credentials # noqa: E501
except smscx_client.InvalidScopeException as e:
    # Code for invalid scope # noqa: E501
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling OauthApi->get_access_token: %s\n" % e)
    error_response = json.loads(e.body)
    error_type = error_response['error']['type']
    error_code = error_response['error']['code']
    error_msg = error_response['error']['message']          
    http_code = e.status
Up to Table of Contents
Send single SMS
import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import sms_api
from smscx_client.model.send_sms_message_request import SendSmsMessageRequest
from smscx_client.model.send_sms_message_response import SendSmsMessageResponse
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
    # Use authentication via API Key
    api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

    # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
    # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = sms_api.SmsApi(
send_sms_message_request = SendSmsMessageRequest(
    _from = "InfoText",
    text = "Your confirmation code is 15997",

    # Send single SMS
    api_response = api_instance.send_sms(send_sms_message_request)
    # api_response.info.total_cost
    for item in api_response.data:
        # item.msg_id
except smscx_client.NoCoverageException as e:
    # Code for No coverage
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request
except smscx_client.InvalidPhoneNumberException as e:
    # Code for invalid phone number
except smscx_client.InsufficientBalanceException as e:
    # Code for insufficient balance                                              
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling SmsApi->send_sms: %s\n" % e)
    error_response = json.loads(e.body)
    error_response = json.loads(e.body)
    error_type = error_response['error']['type']
    error_code = error_response['error']['code']
    error_msg = error_response['error']['message']          
    http_code = e.status
Up to Table of Contents
Send bulk SMS (up to 25.000 phone numbers)

An array with phone numbers in E.164 format must be supplied.

import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import sms_api
from smscx_client.model.send_sms_message_request import SendSmsMessageRequest
from smscx_client.model.send_sms_message_response import SendSmsMessageResponse
from smscx_client.model.transliteration import Transliteration
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
    # Use authentication via API Key
    api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

    # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
    # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = sms_api.SmsApi(

send_sms_message_request = SendSmsMessageRequest(
    text="Redeem this voucher and you will get 30% discount off all Summer Fashion {{optoutLink}}",

    # Send SMS
    api_response = api_instance.send_sms(send_sms_message_request)
    # api_response.info.total_cost
    for item in api_response.data:
        # item.msg_id
except smscx_client.NoCoverageException as e:
    # Code for No coverage
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request
except smscx_client.InvalidPhoneNumberException as e:
    # Code for invalid phone number
except smscx_client.InsufficientBalanceException as e:
    # Code for insufficient balance                                              
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling SmsApi->send_sms: %s\n" % e)
    error_response = json.loads(e.body)
    error_type = error_response['error']['type']
    error_code = error_response['error']['code']
    error_msg = error_response['error']['message']          
    http_code = e.status
Up to Table of Contents
Create new OTP request
import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import otp_api
from smscx_client.model.new_otp_request import NewOtpRequest

from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = otp_api.OtpApi(
new_otp_request = NewOtpRequest(
        template="Your verification code is {{pin}}",

    # New OTP
    api_response = api_instance.new_otp(new_otp_request)
	# api_response.otp_id	
	# api_response.track_id
	# api_response.phone_number
	# api_response.country_iso
	# api_response.status
	# api_response.cost
	# api_response.parts
	# api_response.max_attempts
	# api_response.attempts
	# api_response.ttl
	# api_response.otp_callback_url
	# api_response.date_created
	# api_response.date_expires
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request
except smscx_client.InvalidPhoneNumberException as e:
    # Code for invalid phone number
except smscx_client.InsufficientBalanceException as e:
    # Code for insufficient balance 
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling OtpApi->new_otp: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Verify OTP
import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import otp_api
from smscx_client.model.verify_pin_request import VerifyPinRequest
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = otp_api.OtpApi(
otp_id = "a17fb13d-f4ac-4d93-9439-ef41ab8de390"
pin = "1544"

    # Verify OTP
    api_response = api_instance.verify_otp(otp_id, pin)
	if api_response.status = 'VERIFIED'
	    # PIN successfully verified
except smscx_client.InvalidPinException as e:
    # Code for Invalid PIN
except smscx_client.OtpAlreadyVerifiedException as e:
    # Code for OTP already verified
except smscx_client.OtpCancelledException as e:
    # Code for OTP cancelled
except smscx_client.OtpExpiredException as e:
    # Code for OTP expired
except smscx_client.OtpFailedException as e:
    # Code for OTP failed
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling OtpApi->verify_otp: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Validate phone numbers in bulk (up to 40.000 phone numbers)

With phone number validation you can check if a number is valid by checking the network prefix for each country. An array with phone numbers in E.164 (eg. +316124692xx) or national (eg. 06124692xx) format must be supplied.

import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import numbers_api
from smscx_client.model.numbers_validate_request import NumbersValidateRequest
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = numbers_api.NumbersApi(
numbers_validate_request = NumbersValidateRequest(
			# National format if parameter country_iso is used
        # country_iso="FR",
    ) # NumbersValidateRequest | 

    # Validate numbers in bulk
    api_response = api_instance.validate_numbers(numbers_validate_request)
    # api_response.info.total_phone_numbers
	# api_response.info.total_valid
	# api_response.info.total_invalid
    for item in api_response.data:
        # item.phone_number
		# item.country_iso
		# item.network_operator
		# item.timezone
		# item.invalid
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling NumbersApi->validate_numbers: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Lookup phone numbers in bulk (up to 40.000 phone numbers)

With phone number lookup you can check if a number is active or absent in the network, if the number is ported and the original and existing network name. An array with phone numbers in E.164 (eg. +316124694xx) or national (eg. 06124694xx) format must be supplied.

import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import numbers_api
from smscx_client.model.numbers_lookup_request import NumbersLookupRequest
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = numbers_api.NumbersApi(
numbers_lookup_request = NumbersLookupRequest(
			# National format if parameter country_iso is used

    # Lookup numbers in bulk
    api_response = api_instance.lookup_numbers(numbers_lookup_request)
	# api_response.info.lookup_bulk_id
	# api_response.info.total_phone_numbers
	# api_response.info.total_valid
	# api_response.info.total_invalid
	# api_response.info.cost
	# api_response.info.invalid
except smscx_client.NoCoverageException as e:
    # Code for No coverage
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request
except smscx_client.InvalidPhoneNumberException as e:
    # Code for invalid phone number
except smscx_client.InsufficientBalanceException as e:
    # Code for insufficient balance                                              
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling NumbersApi->lookup_numbers: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Get delivery report for a sent SMS campaign
import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import reports_api
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = reports_api.ReportsApi(
campaign_id = "4baf0298-0c21-4df1-a60a-6e3476e95e0b" # str | Identifier of a sent campaign

    # Get campaign report
    api_response = api_instance.get_campaign_report(campaign_id)
	# api_response.info.campaign_id
	# api_response.info.campaign_name
	# api_response.info.total_phone_numbers
	# api_response.info.total_cost
	# api_response.info.total_parts
	# api_response.info.channel
    for item in api_response.data:
        # item.msg_id
		# item.status
		# item.status_code
		# item.error_code
		# item.in_quiet_hours
		# item.created_at
		# item.updated_at
		# item.scheduled_at
		# item.cost
		# item.to
		# item._from
		# item.source
		# item.channel
		# item.text
		# item.text_analysis
except smscx_client.ResourceNotFoundException as e:
    # Code for campaign ID not found
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request		
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ReportsApi->get_campaign_report: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Rent a phone number
import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import numbers_api
from smscx_client.model.rent_number_request import RentNumberRequest
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = numbers_api.NumbersApi(
rent_number_request = RentNumberRequest(

    # Rent phone number
    api_response = api_instance.rent_number(rent_number_request)
	# api_response.info.rent_id
	# api_response.info.number_id
	# api_response.info.phone_number
	# api_response.info.country_iso
	# api_response.info.rent_start
	# api_response.info.rent_end
	# api_response.info.rent_cost
	# api_response.info.setup_cost
	# api_response.info.auto_renew
	# api_response.info.approved
	# api_response.info.callback_url
	# api_response.info.datetime
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request
except smscx_client.ResourceNotFoundException as e:
    # Code for Number ID not found
except smscx_client.AccessDeniedException as e:
    # Code for Number was already rented by someone else
except smscx_client.InsufficientBalanceException as e:
    # Code for Insufficient balance
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling NumbersApi->rent_number: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Get inbound SMS

Manually check for the received SMS on a rented phone number. This method to get the list of received SMS is an alternative to the webhook method, in which the details of the inbound SMS are sent to a specified callback URL.

import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import numbers_api
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = numbers_api.NumbersApi(

# Identifier of the rental operation
rent_id = "471ddea7-930c-49e8-8e99-2683834dd92e"

    # Get inbound SMS from rented number
    api_response = api_instance.get_inbound_sms(rent_id)
	# api_response.info.rent_id
	# api_response.info.phone_number
	# api_response.info.country_iso
    for item in api_response.data:
        # item.msg_id
		# item._from
		# item.country_iso
		# item.to
		# item.text
		# item.cost
		# item.received_at
except smscx_client.InvalidRequestException as e:
    # Code for invalid request
except smscx_client.ResourceNotFoundException as e:
    # Code for Rent ID not found	
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling NumbersApi->get_inbound_sms: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Get account balance
import time
import smscx_client
from smscx_client.api import account_api
from smscx_client.model.account_balance import AccountBalance
from pprint import pprint

configuration = smscx_client.Configuration(
   # Use authentication via API Key
   api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY",

   # Uncomment to use authentication via Access Token
   # access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = account_api.AccountApi(

    # Get account balance
    api_response = api_instance.get_account_balance()
	# api_response.balance
	# api_response.currency
	# api_response.billing
except smscx_client.ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountApi->get_account_balance: %s\n" % e)
Up to Table of Contents
Under development


The install the library we recommend to use Composer, which will also install the required dependencies:

composer require smscx/smscx-api-client

To use the library, use Composer's autoload:



The library require the following extensions in order to work properly:


To use the library you must authenticate. SMS.CX PHP Library supports the authentication methods supported by the SMS Connexion API:

Handling errors

The SMS.CX PHP library raises an exception for every error type. It is recommended to catch and handle exceptions.

To catch an exception, use PHP’s try/catch syntax. SMS Connexion provides many exception classes you can catch. Each one represents a different kind of error. When you catch an exception, you can use its class to choose a response.

General exceptions:
  • DuplicateIdException - A resource with the same ID already exist
  • DuplicateValueException - You are trying to create/update a resource that must be unique (eg. originators, group name, shortlinks, template name)
  • InsufficientScopeException - Your application does not have the privilege to access a resource
  • InvalidCredentialsException - Unable to authenticate you based on the information provided.
  • InvalidRequestException - The parameters provided were invalid
  • InvalidScopeException - The scope requested does not exist
  • RateLimitExcedeedException - You made too many API calls in short period of time.
  • ResourceNotFoundException - The ID of the requested resource was not found (eg. group, campaign, otp, shortlink, template, etc.)
  • ApiMethodNotAllowedException - The target resource doesn’t support this HTTP method
  • AccessDeniedException - You don’t have permission to perform an action (eg. editing a template that was locked, replying to an Whatsapp after more than 24 hours passed from client reply, etc.)
  • ServerErrorException - Something went wrong on SMS Connexion’s side.
  • ApiException - Something went wrong on SMS Connexion’s side
Exceptions for methods that validate numbers or incur costs (to send SMS, add phone numbers to groups, validate number, etc.):
  • InsufficientBalanceException - Your request incurs charges in excess of your existing balance.
  • InvalidPhoneNumberException - The phone number provided is not valid
Exceptions for methods that require network coverage (send SMS, Viber, Whatsapp):
  • NoCoverageException - There is no coverage for the destination requested (these are rare)
Exceptions for Otp:
  • InvalidPinException - The PIN provided does not verify with our records
  • OtpAlreadyVerifiedException - The OTP was already verified
  • OtpCancelledException - You cannot verify an OTP that was cancelled
  • OtpActionNotAllowedException - You cannot cancel an OTP that has non-pending status (eg. was already verified, canceled, or expired)
  • OtpExpiredException - You cannot verify an OTP that was expired
  • OtpFailedException - The OTP verification has failed because the numbers of max attempts was reached
Exceptions for Viber/Whatsapp:
  • ChannelNotActiveException - Channel is not active. You need to register Viber and Whatsapp by contacting us
  • TemplateNotApprovedException - Template for sending Viber or Whatsapp is not approved


The library needs to be configured with your account's Application ID & Secret or an API Key which are available in your SMS.CX Dashboard.

Table of contents examples PHP

Get an access token
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\OauthApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

// A list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings. 
// If left empty or ommited, the issued access token will be granted with all scopes (full privileges)
$scopes = 'sms groups templates numbers reports originators viber whatsapp otp';

try {
    $result = $smscx->getAccessToken($scopes);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidCredentialsException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid credentials
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidScopeException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid scope
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling OauthApi->getAccessToken: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Send single SMS
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\SmsApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

$send_sms_message_request = [
    'to' => '+316124694xx',
    'from' => 'InfoText',
    'text' => 'Your confirmation code is 15997',

try {
    $result = $smscx->sendSms($send_sms_message_request);
    // $result->getInfo()->getCampaignId();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalPhoneNumbers();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalValid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalInvalid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalCost();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalParts();
    // $result->getInfo()->getPhoneNumbersByCountry();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTransliterationAnalysis();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalInQuietHours();
    // $result->getInfo()->getInvalid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getScheduled();
    foreach ( $result->getData() as $k => $v ) {
        // $v->getMsgId();
        // $v->getTrackData();
        // $v->getStatus();
        // $v->getStatusCode();
        // $v->getErrorCode();
        // $v->getCreatedAt();
        // $v->getScheduledAt();
        // $v->getInQuietHours();
        // $v->getCost();
        // $v->getTo();
        // $v->getCountryIso();
        // $v->getFrom();
        // $v->getText();
        // $v->getParts();
        // $v->getTextAnalysis();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\NoCoverageException $e) {
    //Code for No coverage
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request    
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidPhoneNumberException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid phone number    
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InsufficientBalanceException $e) {
    //Code for Insufficient balance
} catch (Smscx\Client\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling SmsApi->sendSms: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    // $httpCode = $e->getCode();  # HTTP code: 400, 401, 403, 429, 500, etc
    // $errorType = $e->getResponseObject()->getError()->getType();  # Error type: invalid_param, insufficient_credit, rate_limit, etc
    // $errorMessage = $e->getResponseObject()->getError()->getMessage();  # Short description of the error
    // $errorCode = $e->getResponseObject()->getError()->getCode();  # API internal code: 1208, 1101, 1221, etc
Up to Table of Contents
Send bulk SMS (up to 25.000 phone numbers)

An array with phone numbers in E.164 format must be supplied.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\SmsApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

$send_sms_message_request = [
    //Max 25.000 phone numbers
    'to' => [
    'from' => 'InfoText',
    'text' => 'Redeem this voucher and you will get 30% discount off all Summer Fashion {{optoutLink}}',
    'allowInvalid' => true,
    'transliteration' => [
        'alphabet' => 'NON_GSM',
        'removeEmojis' => true,
    'idempotencyId' => '854cd53f-d77d-4aa8-9bd9-fbf720f3332d',

try {
    $result = $smscx->sendSms($send_sms_message_request);
    // $result->getInfo()->getCampaignId();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalPhoneNumbers();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalValid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalInvalid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalCost();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalParts();
    // $result->getInfo()->getDuplicatesRemoved();
    // $result->getInfo()->getDlrCallbackUrl();
    // $result->getInfo()->getPhoneNumbersByCountry();
    // $result->getInfo()->getGroups();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTransliterationAnalysis();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalInQuietHours();
    // $result->getInfo()->getInvalid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getScheduled();
    foreach ( $result->getData() as $k => $v ) {
        // $v->getMsgId();
        // $v->getTrackData();
        // $v->getStatus();
        // $v->getStatusCode();
        // $v->getErrorCode();
        // $v->getCreatedAt();
        // $v->getScheduledAt();
        // $v->getInQuietHours();
        // $v->getCost();
        // $v->getTo();
        // $v->getCountryIso();
        // $v->getFrom();
        // $v->getText();
        // $v->getParts();
        // $v->getTextAnalysis();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\NoCoverageException $e) {
    //Code for No coverage
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request    
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InsufficientBalanceException $e) {
    //Code for Insufficient balance
} catch (Smscx\Client\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling SmsApi->sendSms: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    // $httpCode = $e->getCode();  # HTTP code: 400, 401, 403, 429, 500, etc
    // $errorType = $e->getResponseObject()->getError()->getType();  # Error type: invalid_param, insufficient_credit, rate_limit, etc
    // $errorMessage = $e->getResponseObject()->getError()->getMessage();  # Short description of the error
    // $errorCode = $e->getResponseObject()->getError()->getCode();  # API internal code: 1208, 1101, 1221, etc
Up to Table of Contents
Create new OTP request
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\OtpApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

//Model: \Smscx\Client\Model\NewOtpRequest
$new_otp_request = [
    'phoneNumber' => '+336124241xx',
	// Optional parameters
    //'countryIso' => 'FR',
    //'from' => 'Verify',
    //'template' => 'Verification code: {{pin}}',
    //'trackId' => '3b90b6d3-4fd6-40d8-9b2d-310cb50f201d',
    //'ttl' => '500',
    //'maxAttempts' => '5',
    //'pinType' => 'numbers',
    //'pinLength' => '5',
    //'otpCallbackUrl' => 'https://callback-url/receive-otp-status',	

try {
    $result = $smscx->newOtp($new_otp_request);
    // $result->getOtpId();
    // $result->getTrackId();
    // $result->getPhoneNumber();
    // $result->getCountryIso();
    // $result->getStatus();
    // $result->getCost();
    // $result->getParts();
    // $result->getMaxAttempts();
    // $result->getAttempts();
    // $result->getTtl();
    // $result->getOtpCallbackUrl();
    // $result->getDateCreated();
    // $result->getDateExpires();  
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidPhoneNumberException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid phone number
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InsufficientBalanceException $e) {
    //Code for Insufficient balance
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request
} catch (Smscx\Client\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling OtpApi->newOtp: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Verify OTP
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\OtpApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

$otp_id = 'a17fb13d-f4ac-4d93-9439-ef41ab8de390'; 
$pin = '25414';

try {
    $result = $smscx->verifyOtp($otp_id, $pin);

	if ( $result->getStatus() == 'VERIFIED') {
		//Successfully verified

} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidPinException $e) {
    // Code for Invalid PIN
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\OtpAlreadyVerifiedException $e) {
    // Code for OTP already verified
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\OtpCancelledException $e) {
    // Code for OTP cancelled
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\OtpExpiredException $e) {
    // Code for OTP expired
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\OtpFailedException $e) {
    // Code for OTP failed
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling OtpApi->verifyOtp: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Validate phone numbers in bulk (up to 40.000 phone numbers)

With phone number validation you can check if a number is valid by checking the network prefix for each country. An array with phone numbers in E.164 (eg. +316124692xx) or national (eg. 06124692xx) format must be supplied.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\NumbersApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

$numbers_validate_request = [
    'phoneNumbers' => [
		// National format if parameter countryIso is used
    //'countryIso' => 'FR',

try {
    $result = $smscx->validateNumbers($numbers_validate_request);
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalPhoneNumbers();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalValid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalInvalid();
    foreach ($result->getData() as $k => $v) {
        // $v->getPhoneNumber();
        // $v->getCountryIso();
        // $v->getNetworkOperator();
        // $v->getTimezone();
        // $v->getInvalid(); # true or false
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling NumbersApi->validateNumbers: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Lookup phone numbers in bulk (up to 40.000 phone numbers)

With phone number lookup you can check if a number is active or absent in the network, if the number is ported and the original and existing network name. An array with phone numbers in E.164 (eg. +316124694xx) or national (eg. 06124694xx) format must be supplied.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\NumbersApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

$numbers_lookup_request = [
    'phoneNumbers' => [
		// National format if parameter countryIso is used
    //'countryIso' => 'FR',
    'lookupCallbackUrl' => 'https://my-callback-url/receive-lookup-details',

try {
    $result = $smscx->lookupNumbers($numbers_lookup_request);
    // $result->getInfo()->getLookupBulkId();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalPhoneNumbers();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalValid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalInvalid();
    // $result->getInfo()->getCost();
    // $result->getInfo()->getInvalid();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidPhoneNumberException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid phone number
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\NoCoverageException $e) {
    //Code for No coverage
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InsufficientBalanceException $e) {
    //Code for Insufficient balance
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling NumbersApi->lookupNumbers: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Get delivery report for a sent SMS campaign

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\ReportsApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

// Identifier of a sent SMS campaign
$campaign_id = '4baf0298-0c21-4df1-a60a-6e3476e95e0b';

try {
    $result = $smscx->getCampaignReport($campaign_id);
    // $result->getInfo()->getCampaignId();
    // $result->getInfo()->getCampaignName();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalPhoneNumbers();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalCost();
    // $result->getInfo()->getTotalParts();
    // $result->getInfo()->getChannel();
    foreach ( $result->getData() as $k => $v ) {
        // $v->getMsgId();
        // $v->getStatus();
        // $v->getStatusCode();
        // $v->getErrorCode();
        // $v->getInQuietHours();
        // $v->getCreatedAt();
        // $v->getUpdatedAt();
        // $v->getScheduledAt();
        // $v->getCost();
        // $v->getTo();
        // $v->getCountryIso();
        // $v->getFrom();
        // $v->getSource();
        // $v->getChannel();
        // $v->getText();
        // $v->getTextAnalysis();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
    //Campaign ID not found    
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request    
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ReportsApi->getCampaignReport: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Rent a phone number
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\NumbersApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

$rent_number_request = [
    'numberId' => '38d70eda-641c-4c1a-aae8-723ed8aef062',
    'rentPeriod' => 30,
    'autoRenew' => true,
    'callbackUrl' => 'https://webhook-url/receive-inbound-sms',

try {
    $result = $smscx->rentNumber($rent_number_request);
    // $result->getInfo()->getRentId();
    // $result->getInfo()->getNumberId();
    // $result->getInfo()->getPhoneNumber();
    // $result->getInfo()->getCountryIso();
    // $result->getInfo()->getRentStart();
    // $result->getInfo()->getRentEnd();
    // $result->getInfo()->getRentCost();
    // $result->getInfo()->getSetupCost();
    // $result->getInfo()->getAutoRenew();
    // $result->getInfo()->getApproved();
    // $result->getInfo()->getCallbackUrl();
    // $result->getInfo()->getDatetime();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request    
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
    //Number ID not found   
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\AccessDeniedException $e) {
    //Number was already rented by someone else
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InsufficientBalanceException $e) {
    //Code for Insufficient balance		
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling NumbersApi->rentNumber: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Get inbound SMS

Manually check for the received SMS on a rented phone number. This method to get the list of received SMS is an alternative to the webhook method, in which the details of the inbound SMS are sent to a specified callback URL.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\NumbersApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

$rent_id = '471ddea7-930c-49e8-8e99-2683834dd92e';

try {
    $result = $smscx->getInboundSms($rent_id);
    // $result->getInfo()->getRentId();
    // $result->getInfo()->getPhoneNumber();
    // $result->getInfo()->getCountryIso();
    foreach ($result->getData() as $k => $v) {
        // $v->getMsgId();
        // $v->getFrom();
        // $v->getCountryIso();
        // $v->getTo();
        // $v->getText();
        // $v->getCost();
        // $v->getReceivedAt();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid argument provided
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\InvalidRequestException $e) {
    //Code for Invalid request    
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
    //Rent ID not found   
} catch (Smscx\Client\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling NumbersApi->getInboundSms: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Get account balance
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Use authentication via API Key
$config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');

// OR

// Use authentication via Access Token
// $config = Smscx\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$smscx = new Smscx\Client\Api\AccountApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

try {
    $result = $smscx->getAccountBalance();
} catch (Smscx\Client\ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->getAccountBalance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Up to Table of Contents
Under development
Under development
Under development
Under development

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